
Welcome to CID Associates, a leading provider of innovative modular liftable buildings designed to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. With a commitment to quality, versatility, and customer satisfaction, CID Associates has established itself as a trusted name in the industry.

Our Modular Liftable Buildings:

CID Associates specializes in the design, manufacturing, and sale of modular liftable buildings that offer unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. Whether you’re looking to expand your office space, create a temporary facility, or set up a customized workspace, our modular buildings provide the perfect solution. Engineered with precision and constructed with high-quality materials, our buildings are designed to meet and exceed industry standards.

Key Features of CID Modular Liftable Buildings:

  1. Versatility: Our modular buildings are adaptable to various applications, from offices and classrooms to healthcare facilities and beyond. Whatever your requirements, CID Associates has a modular solution for you.
  2. Ease of Installation: Designed with a focus on efficiency, our buildings can be quickly and easily installed, minimizing disruption to your operations. This swift installation ensures that you can start using your new space in no time.
  3. Liftable Design: The unique liftable feature of our buildings allows for easy relocation and reconfiguration. This flexibility ensures that your investment continues to meet your evolving needs.
  4. Quality Construction: At CID Associates, we prioritize quality in every aspect of our manufacturing process. Our modular buildings are constructed to withstand the test of time, providing a durable and reliable solution for your space needs.

Contact Information:

CID Associates is conveniently located at 29 Ekastown Road (Route 228), Sarver, PA 16054. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect modular liftable building for your requirements.

  • Phone: (723) 353-0300
  • Fax: (723) 353-0308
  • Email: sales@cidbuildings.com

Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you elevate your space with our cutting-edge modular liftable buildings.

Choose CID Associates for innovation, quality, and a seamless solution to your space challenges.